Top 4 Small Business Trends to Expect in 2022

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Top 4 Small Business Trends to Expect in 2022

If you’re a small business in the UK, then this could be the perfect guide for you, as we have put together a snapshot of the top four trends you can expect in 2022.

Staying ahead of these trends can help business owners make the most of new opportunities on the horizon and ultimately have a successful year.

It comes down to understanding how the environment is changing and how as a small business, you can find ways to adapt, grow, and succeed.

1. Automation for Better Management

Many small businesses are starting to realise that relying on manual systems or outdated software is no longer a feasible way to manage their company. Therefore, many will be implementing automation systems in 2022, as this improves efficiency, growth, and will enable businesses to remain competitive. By adopting systems your business will be able to automatically complete tasks such as:

  • Financial Processes
  • Administrative tasks/Office management
  • Customer management
  • Marketing
  • Sales and lead acquisition

The cost element is usually the biggest hurdle, which prevents small businesses from advancing technologically. However, not updating tech, is probably costing businesses more than the cost of implementation. In this case, you may need to spend money to save money.

2. Hybrid Workplace Model

In 2020 and 2021, small businesses had to be resilient in order to overcome the challenges of COVID-19. From this, the business world released that rigid leasing practices no longer work. Instead, we are now moving towards a hybrid working environment, where businesses are opting to work part-time in the office and part-time remotely.

In 2022, we may see many small businesses scrapping centralised offices in favour of hybrid-friendly options, such as co-working spaces, serviced meetings rooms, and serviced offices with a flexible lease. These options are great, as they are convenient, result in a happier workforce and even save money, as companies can avoid the cost of a traditional office setup.

With the hybrid workplace becoming more and more popular, it’s unlikely it will be going anywhere anytime soon, so small businesses should adapt to the changing environment. It may be worth taking a look at our guide on Working From Home.

3. Improved Internal Communications

With more small businesses adopting a hybrid workplace, it is becoming increasingly important for everyone to be on the same page, especially if you’re not seeing each other in the office every day. Due to this, many companies will be choosing to improve their internal communications by introducing collaborative spaces for private and group messaging to ease the team all working together. 

This will enable teams to easily provide updates on projects, share files, and stay in touch. Messaging platforms, such as Slack mean businesses can easily categorise conversation threads in dedicated channels by project, topic, or team. Doing so means members can view everything a colleague posts in one relevant feed, so everyone stays up to date.

4. More Focus on Sustainability

Small and medium-sized businesses make up the majority of UK businesses, meaning UK SMEs will be at the forefront of the green economy.

Focusing on sustainability could help businesses navigate a range of challenges and even open up new opportunities. For example, reducing energy usage, using less packaging, or selling on waste that can be reused by other companies are all great ways to cut costs and increase profits.

Innovative sustainable products could help companies access new sources of low carbon funding, as well as new markets, partners, and customers.

It will be highly advantageous to be able to demonstrate your sustainability credentials as global brands and larger companies look to decarbonise their supply chains. This will result in competitive advantage and greater long-term resilience. If you’re interested, please check our guide on  How Small Businesses Can Achieve Net Zero.

And there you have it! We hope this article will prove useful in staying ahead of trends and ultimately help with the success of your business.

One of the best ways to adapt in 2022 is to say goodbye to traditional offices and adopt hybrid working spaces. Not only will it reduce rental expenses, but it could also lead to the possibility of further growth.

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