How to Build a Loyal Customer Base

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How to Build a Loyal Customer Base

Loyal customers are the backbone of most businesses – repeat customers will be the ones to refer your small business and build excellent reviews.

Customer loyalty is built throughout the years and requires plenty of effort to be a continuous stream of support. Customers prefer to be loyal to businesses that generally treat them very well – providing exceptional customer service and reviewing feedback will ensure that your customers want to return.

Here are the best ways to build a loyal customer base…

1. Strong Social Media Presence 

Having a strong social media presence will not only gain more traction for your business but it will also make your company seem more personable by including team members and relatable content within social media channels.

Customers want to buy from real people, and showing that your company has brilliant employees behind the success of the business will make them want to be involved.

Social media channels such as Instagram and LinkedIn are brilliant platforms for businesses to get started – exploring different marketing avenues and making sure to involve faces and people so customers know exactly who they’re shopping from.

2. Newsletter Marketing

Another way of ensuring that you keep in contact with customers, therefore, creating a better relationship with them is through newsletters and mailers.

Sending newsletters to customers that have previously shopped with your company or have enquired about your services is a great way of sending an acknowledgement of interest. Newsletters can also be specific to a celebration such as your customer’s birthday – offering a small discount or deal, or an anniversary for your business.

As they are direct to customers’ emails, the mailers have a personal feel and will create a wider sense of loyalty.

3. Adapting Feedback

Customer feedback is a key element to maintaining great B2C relationships – listen to your customers and adapt/review the issues that they are finding.

The first step to this process is asking your customers for feedback, this can be done by a post-purchase survey being sent directly to the customer, or a feedback form once they have dabbled in your services.

Asking for such feedback and then working on the responses will show your customers that you value their opinion and are proactive when it comes to change, creating a brilliant relationship and a higher chance of customer loyalty.

4. Loyalty Program

What’s a better way of creating loyal customers than rewarding them for being just that – loyal!

Loyalty programmes are a brilliant way of creating a community within your company, offering discounts or secret sales for those that have frequently visited your business.

Such programmes will show appreciation to those that choose to come back to your business, and it could attract more customers to come back frequently if the reward is great enough value for money.

Growing a loyal customer base isn’t easy, but ensuring that you listen to your existing customers, accept feedback and start loyalty schemes are great ways of building brilliant B2C relationships.

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