Many Companies Are Struggling to Hire New Workers

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Many Companies Are Struggling to Hire New Workers

Recruitment problems are affecting positions at all skill levels, reports British Chamber of Commerce.

According to new research, over two-thirds of companies that are trying to hire new workers are struggling to find any staff.

A survey of 5,700 companies has discovered that the sectors which were affected by coronavirus the most, such as hospitality and catering, are now seeing an increase in recruitment plans.

The British Chamber of Commerce (BCC) said the highest proportion of firms trying to hire new employees were in the production, manufacturing and construction sectors.

70% of businesses trying to recruit in the last few months have faced difficulties, compared with a little more than half at the end of 2020.

Jane Gratton, of the BCC has said: “As firms are released from lockdown restrictions, the skills and labour shortages they experienced before the pandemic are once again starting to bite.”

“The encouraging increase in job creation across the manufacturing and services sectors is being held back by recruitment difficulties at all skill levels, jeopardising growth and productivity.”

“Whether people have found work in a different sector, changed their working patterns, or left the UK during the recession, firms are now struggling to find the people they need. It’s vital that business, government and the skills system work together to find solutions.”

“Adopting more remote and flexible working patterns will help firms attract skills from a wider talent pool.”

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) and KPMG have completed a separate report which found that there has been an “unprecedented” increase in the demand for both permanent and temporary workers.

Neil Carberry, chief executive of REC, said: “The jobs market is improving at the fastest pace we have ever seen, but it is still an unpredictable time. We can’t yet tell how much the ending of furlough and greater candidate confidence will help to meet this rising demand for staff.”

Despite recruitment activity rising significantly in June, the availability of workers has actually plummeted, according to the report, which looked at answers from 400 job agencies.

Experts have also commented that this high-demand, low-supply situation has resulted in rising starting wages and pay for temporary workers.

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