Very Popular Women's Clothing & Accessories Boutique for Sale in Pershore
- Excellent Reputation
- Very Loyal Customer Base
- Huge Growth Potential
- Spacious Premises
- Wide Variety of Products & Services
Now for sale is a unique high end fashion boutique located in the heart of Pershore. Established in 2010, this stylish establishment boasts a loyal customer base and stellar reputation for their products imported from across the world. With a focus on serving the diverse styles of women of all ages and sizes, the business has become a trusted destination in Worcestershire as well as the surrounding cities of Birmingham and Gloucester.
The boutique has fostered strong relationships with reputable suppliers primarily based in Europe. The carefully curated inventory features a mixture of classic and unique fashion pieces from renowned brands like Neirami (Italy), Vetono (Germany), Luukka (Spain), Junge (Denmark), Foil (UK), and Cut Loose (USA).
They have harvested highly profitable working relationships with international suppliers, and stock a diverse range of clothing and accessories that cannot easily be found in the surrounding areas. This would be a fantastic venture for an individual with a passion for fashion, accessories or even just retail.
This is a thriving boutique located in Pershore. The business is efficiently overseen by the owner and a part-time sales assistant.
There is a focus on cultivating strong ties with suppliers as well as customers.
Stock is comprised of classic, quirky pieces for casual wear as well as more formal outfits for special occasions. The Vendor has been committed to providing a curated selection of quality merchandise which is mainly sourced within Europe.
They have a strong customer base in Worcestershire, as well as the surrounding areas of Birmingham and Gloucester.
The untapped potential of the business lies prominently in the realm of eCommerce, an avenue yet to be explored. Considering the rising significance of online platforms in the retail landscape, as well as the burgeoning popularity surrounding sustainable brands, delving into eCommerce could substantially broaden the business's reach and customer base.
There also exists a promising opportunity in the power of social media marketing. Leveraging platforms like Instagram and TikTok, which can not only enhance brand visibility but also engage a wider audience.
Additionally there is the option to list on marketplaces such as Vinted and Ebay which could generate significant revenue for the right buyer
Online Presence
- City Centre Location
- High Street Location
- Close to Local Businesses
- High Footfall